2009 MFA, Printmaking, Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art, Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2002 BFA, Printmaking, California College of the Arts; Oakland, CA
2024 2nd Place, "Under Pressure: 2024 National Printmaking Exhibition", Lincoln Center, Fort Collins, CO
2024 Best 2-D Submission for CC License, "Wide Open Space: Openly Licensed Art Exhibit", Online and Exhibited at the Overman Student
Center, Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, KS
2019 The Seventh Annual Author’s Celebration Award, Ferris State University; Big Rapids, MI
2019 Professional Development Support, Attendance of the Southern Graphics Council International (SGCI) Printmaking
Conference in Dallas, TX. Travel support awarded by KCAD Dean of Academics, Kendall College of Art and Design of
Ferris State University; Grand Rapids, MI
2017 The Fifth Annual Author’s Celebration Award, Ferris State University; Big Rapids, MI
2017 Professional Development Support, Attendance of SGCI Printmaking Conference in Atlanta, GA. Travel support
awarded by KCAD Dean of Academics, Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State
University; Grand Rapids, MI
2016 Professional Development Support, Attendance to the Tamarind Institute of Lithography Summer Workshop in
Albuquerque, NM. Travel support awarded by KCAD Printmaking Department; Kendall College of Art and Design of
Ferris State University; Grand Rapids, MI
2009 Gerry Gout Printmaking Scholarship, Arizona Artists Guild; Phoenix, AZ
2009 Shindell Rock/Scissors/Paper Printmaking Scholarship, Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art,
Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2009 Best in Show, “PRINTSTRAVAGANZA! IV”, Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art, Arizona State
University; Tempe, AZ
2008 School of Art Special Talent Award, Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art, Arizona State
University; Tempe, AZ
2007 Shindell Rock/ Scissors/ Paper Printmaking Scholarship, Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art,
Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2007 2nd Place, “Third Annual Members Exhibition”, Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art, Arizona
State University; Tempe, AZ
2007 Honorable Mention, “Second Annual Members Exhibition”, Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art,
Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2006 1st Place, “Draw the Line”, Phoenix Art Center; Phoenix, AZ
2005 Honorable Mention, “The Art Formerly Known as Prints”, Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art,
Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2002 Merit Scholarship, California College of the Arts; Oakland, CA
2002 Yozo Hamaguchi Endowment Award, California College of the Arts; Oakland, CA
2002 Patricia Walsh Emeritus Scholarship, California College of the Art; Oakland, CA
2001 Merit Scholarship, California College of the Arts; Oakland, CA.
2001 Charles Gill Emeritus Scholarship, California College of the Arts; Oakland, CA
2000 Merit Scholarship, California College of the Arts; Oakland, CA
1999 Creative Achievement Award, California College of the Arts; Oakland, CA
2021 "Surface Tension", Sleeth Gallery, West Virginia Wesleyan College; Buckhannon, WV
2019 "Among the Light", Van Singel Fine Arts Center, Byron Center, MI
2019 "Coming to the Surface", Kresge Foundation Gallery, Olivet College; Olivet, MI
2014- “The Light Below”, East Gallery, Eye Lounge, A Contemporary Art Space; Phoenix,
2013 AZ
2013 “Incandescence”, West Gallery, Eye Lounge, A Contemporary Art Space; Phoenix, AZ
2012 “Light in the Dark”, Northwestern College, TePaske Gallery; Orange City, IA
2012- “Lumin-Essence”, Polytechnic Campus Library, Polytechnic Campus, Arizona
2011 State University; Chandler, AZ
2011 “Lumin-Essence”, Intel Corporation, Intel OC2 and OC8 Gallery; Chandler, AZ
2009 “Lumin-Essence”, MFA Thesis Exhibition, Harry Wood Gallery, Herberger Institute
of Design and the Arts, School of Art, Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2002 “Senior Exhibition”, California College of the Arts; Oakland, CA
2024 "12th Annual International Print Exhibition", Remarque Print Workshop, Albuquerque, NM
2024 "2024 The Brinton Small Works Show", Invitational. Brinton Museum, Big Horn, WY
2024 "Under Pressure: 2024 National Printmaking Exhibition", Lincoln Center, Fort Collins, CO (Juror: Theresa Haberkorn)
2023 "Printmaking in the Rockies and on the Great Plains", Brinton Museum, Big Horn, WY (Juror: Jim Jereb)
2022 "Full Court Press Juried Exhibition of the Americas- Oso Bay Biennial", Art Center of Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX ( Jurors: Michael
Krueger and Miranda Metcalf)
2021- "Printwork 2021: Artist Image Resource", Artist Image Resource, Pittsburgh, PA (Jurors: Joseph Lupo, Professor of Art at West Virginia
2022 University and Rachel Saul Rearick, Executive Director of Contemporary Craft, Pittsbugh, PA.)
2019 "2019 Atlanta Print Biennial", Kai Lin Art Gallery; Atlanta GA (Juror: Eun Lee)
2019 "37th Bradley International Print and Drawing Exhibition", Heuser Art Gallery, Peoria, IL (Juror: Janet Ballweg,
Professor of Printmaking at Bowling Green University; Bowling Green, OH)
2018 “Focus on Faculty/ Influence”, Fed Galleries; Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University; Grand
Rapids, MI
2018 "Drawn to Print”, (SCENE) Metrospace Gallery, Department of Art, Art History, and Design, Michigan State University;
Lansing, MI (Juror: Jacquelynn Sullivan, Director of Galleries for the Department of Art, Art History, and Design at
Michigan State University)
2018 "31st Annual McNeese Works on Paper Exhibition", Grand Gallery, McNeese State University; Lake Charles,
LA (Juror: Ben Hickey, curator of exhibitions, Paul and Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum, University of Louisiana at
Lafayette; Lafayette, LA)
2017 "2017 Louisiana International Printmaking Exhibition", F. J. Taylor Visual Arts Center, School of Design; Louisiana Tech
University, Ruston, LA (Juror: Ben Hickey, Curator of Collections and Exhibitions at the Masur Museum of
Art, Monroe, LA)
2017 "ImPressive" Midtowne Gallery, Calgary, AB, Canada (Juror: Bill Laing, executive member of the British Printmakers
Council and the Print and Drawing Council of Canada, Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
2017 “Art Now: Printmaking”, 117 Gallery, Ann Arbor Art Center; Ann Arbor, MI (Juror: Tyanna J. Buie, Assistant Professor
and Section Chair for Printmaking at the College of Creative Studies, Wayne State University; Detroit, MI)
2016 “Printmaking: Ancient Art Made Contemporary”, Jansma Gallery, NCCA Artsplace; Fremont, MI
2016 “Contemporary Print: An International Survey of Printmaking in 2016”, Firehouse Gallery; Baton Rouge, LA
2015 “Duality”, 122 S. Division Pop-Up Gallery, Avenue for the Arts, Grand Rapids, MI
2015 “Evolution of the Artist”, The Fed Galleries at KCAD, Grand Rapids, MI
2013 “Third Wave: Painters and Printmakers”, Night Gallery; Tempe, AZ (Jurors: Rossitza Todorova and Sarah Rowland)
2013 “American Dream”, Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum, Mesa Arts Center; Mesa, AZ (Juror: Tiffany Fairall, Assistant
Curator at Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum, Mesa, AZ)
2012 “Map(ing)”, Arizona Arts Foundation; Phoenix, AZ
2012 “Statewide Juried Printmaking Competition”, Shemer Art Center and Museum, Scottsdale, AZ (Juror: John Armstrong,
Owner of Armstrong-Prior Inc., Phoenix, AZ)
2011 “Nowness: An Invitational Group Exhibition”, Eye Lounge, A Contemporary Art Space; Phoenix, AZ
2010 “Sensory Consciousness/ Bold Statements: Works By Arizona Women”, A.E. England Gallery; Phoenix, AZ (Juror:
Jenea Sanchez, director of A.E. England Gallery, Phoenix, AZ)
2010- “Pacific States Biennial National Print Exhibition”, University of Hawaii at Hilo; Hilo, HI (Juror: Sandria Hu, Professor
2011 of Art at the University of Huston, Clearlake, TX)
2010 “Old Planet New Planet: Print Making and the New World Order”, Gallery 13; Minneapolis, MN
2010 “Prints: Group Show”, Artisan Gallery: Belleville, WI
2010 “From Paper to Glass”, Wit Gallery; Lenox, MA
2009 “Factotum”, Night Gallery, Tempe Marketplace; Tempe, AZ
2009 “Arizona Artists Guild Scholarship Exhibition”, West Valley Art Museum;
Surprise, AZ
2009 “Intel Corporation Exhibition”, Intel Corporation; Chandler, AZ
2009 “Nathan Cummings Exhibition”, Harry Wood Gallery, Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art,
Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2009 “PRINSTRAVAGANZA! IV: The Fourth Annual Printmaking Student Association Exhibition", Gallery 100, Herberger
Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art, Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ (Juror: Jean Makin, Curator of
Prints, ASU Art Museum Print Collection)
2009 “American Print 2009”, Foothills Art Center; Golden, CO (Juror: Michael Chavez, curator of the Foothills Art Center,
Golden, CO) PRINT
2009: Influence Someone&exhibitionId=12&start=1
2009 “Map(ing) Exhibition”, Night Gallery, Tempe Marketplace; Tempe AZ
2008 “The Fourth Annual Members Exhibition”, Arizona State University Printmaking Student Association, Gallery 100,
Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art, Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2008 “PRINTSTRAVAGANZA! III: The Third Annual Printmaking Student Association Exhibition", Step Gallery, Herberger
Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art, Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ (Juror: Brian Reeves of Slop Art)
2008 “Nathan Cummings Exhibition”, Harry Wood Gallery, Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art, Arizona
State University; Tempe, AZ
2007 “The Third Annual Members Exhibition”, Arizona State University Printmaking Student Association, Galley 100; Tempe
AZ (Juror: Forrest Solis Assistant Professor of Painting at Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, Arizona State
University; Tempe, AZ)
2007 “PRINTSTRAVAGANZA! II: The Second Annual Printmaking Student Association Exhibition", Gallery 100; Tempe, AZ
(Juror: Cannon Ball Press)
2007 “Brio Fine Arts Center Juried Exhibition”, Brio Fine Arts Center; Scottsdale, AZ (Juror: Kathryn Maxwell, Professor of
Printmaking at Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ)
2007 “We Are All In This Together”, First Studio Gallery; Phoenix AZ
2007 “Inked”, The Upper Gallery, University of Dallas; Irving, TX
2006 “Draw the Line”, Phoenix Art Center; Phoenix, AZ
2006 “Spirit Birds”, Espresso PRN Gallery, Sacred Heart Hospital; Eugene, OR
2006 “The Second Annual Members Exhibition”, Arizona State University Printmaking Student Association, Harry Wood
Gallery, Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2005 “The Art Formerly Known as Prints”, Arizona State University Printmaking Student Association, Honorable Mention,
Harry Wood Gallery; Tempe AZ (Juror: Jean Makin, curator of prints, ASU Art Museum Print Collection)
2002 “Yozo Hamaguchi Endowment Exhibition”, California College of the Arts; Oakland, CA
2024 "Natural Forces", organized by Emily Ritter, Assistant Professor of Digital Design, Newman University, Wichita, KS, debut at Mid
America Print Council conference, Manhattan, KS
2024 "Undercurrents", organized by Michael Ezzell and Elizabeth Younce, debut at the Southern Graphics Council International conference;
Providence, RI
2018 "(UN) Necessary Duplicates", organized by Assistant Professor Meghan O'Connor of Wayne State College,
Wayne NE, debut at Mid America Print Council conference; Laramie, WY
2017 “Animal/Lamina”, organized by Professor Brett Colley of Grand Valley State University and Professor Olivia Timmons
of Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University.
2017 “Personal Landscapes: A Print Exchange Between Olivet College and Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State
University”, organized by Professor Donald VanAuken of Olivet College and Professor Olivia Timmons of Kendall
College of Art and Design of FSU.
2017 “Slowness”, organized by Mary Hood, professor of printmaking, debut and exhibition at Southern Graphics Council
International; Atlanta, GA
2016 “SGCI Members Portfolio Exchange and Exhibition”, organized by SGCI Members, debut and exhibition at Southern
Graphics Council International; Portland OR
2013 “Taking Bearings”, organized and curated by Brett Schieszer and Nicholas Dowgwillo, debut at Southern Graphics
Council International; New Orleans, LA and traveled to Morrissey Gallery, St. Ambrose University; Davenport, IA
2024- Assistant Professor, Development of course content, syllabus, lectures, demonstrations for face-to-face delivery. Pittsburg State
University; Pittsburg, KS
2022- Assistant Instructional Professor, (Courses taught: Drawing I, Perspective Drawing , Structural Anatomy & Figure Drawing, Color
2024 Systems: Theory & Application, Printmaking I, Printmaking II, Intaglio, Relief Printmaking, and Art Education (non-majors).
Development of course content, syllabus, lectures, demonstrations for face-to-face delivery. Pittsburg State University; Pittsburg, KS
2022 Adjunct Faculty, (Courses taught: Introduction to Drawing I) Development of course content, syllabus, lectures, demonstrations for
face-to-face delivery. Grand Valley State University; Allendale, MI
2020- Adjunct Faculty, (Courses taught: Drawing: Learn (FYE Program), Lithography, Screen-Printing, Introduction to Printmaking and
2022 Printmaking II) Development of course content, syllabi, lectures, and demonstrations for both face-to-face and hyflex methods of instructional delivery. Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University; Grand Rapids, MI
2020- Adjunct Faculty, (Courses taught: Basic Arts and Art for the Elementary Teacher) Development of course content,
2021 syllabi, lectures, and demonstrations for both face-to-face and hyflex methods of instructional delivery. Ferris State
University; Big Rapids, MI
2020- Assistant Professor of Printmaking (non-tenure track), (Courses taught: Drawing I, Drawing II, Graduate Printmaking
2014 Studio, Graduate Printmaking Thesis, Graduate, Professional Practices Seminar, Professional Practices, Introduction
to Printmaking, Printmaking II, Printmaking III, Advanced Printmaking, Printmaking Thesis I & II, Intaglio, and
Lithography.) Development of course content, syllabi, demonstrations, presentations, administration of critiques and
grades. Courses provided introductory through advanced levels of printmaking. Kendall College of Art and Design of
Ferris State University; Grand Rapids, MI
2014 Adjunct Faculty, (Courses taught: Drawing I) Development of course content, syllabus, lectures, presentations and
demonstrations, administration of critiques and grades. Introduction to fundamental principles of drawing while
exploring a variety of drawing media. Pecos Campus, Chandler-Gilbert Community College; Chandler, AZ
2014- Adjunct Faculty, (Courses taught: Two-Dimensional Design) Development of course content and syllabus, introduction
2013 of principles and elements of two-dimensional design, student mentoring, administration of critiques and grades.
Southern and Dobson Campus, Mesa Community College; Mesa, AZ
2014- Art Department Chairperson, attending weekly meetings with administration, working with and supporting all
2012 members of the art staff, organizing art trips, coordinating staff and camper events and art openings during a
7-week young women’s summer arts program. Belvoir Terrace; Lenox, MA
2014- Instructor, (Courses taught: Printmaking I, Printmaking II, Advanced Printmaking, Watercolor I, and Advanced
2010 Watercolor), development of course content, introduction to fundamental printmaking and watercolor techniques, and
student mentoring during an intensive 7-week young women’s summer arts program. Belvoir Terrace; Lenox MA
2011- Faculty Associate, (Courses taught: Beginning Intaglio and Introduction to Printmaking, Fall 2010 and Introduction to
2010 Printmaking, Spring 2011.) Development of course content and syllabi, introduction to intaglio techniques and various
printmaking processes and student mentor, administration of critiques and grades. Herberger Institute of Design
and the Arts, School of Art, Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2010 Workshop Instructor, “To the Point: The Immediacy of Drypoint”, development of workshop content, projects, and
student mentoring. Brio Fine Arts Center, Scottsdale, AZ
2009- Teaching Associate, (Courses taught: Color Theory and Two-Dimensional Design), development of syllabi, course
2006 content, administration of grade and student mentoring. Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art,
Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2005 Mentor, “Twenty Week Mentor Program”, development and administration of art projects to children of 4-6 years of
age. Provided a positive mentor figure in a shelter community. Free Arts of Arizona; Phoenix, AZ
2021 Juror of Printmaking Submissions, West Central Michigan Region of the Scholastics
Art & Writing Awards; Grand Rapids, MI
2019 Juror of Printmaking Submissions, West Central Michigan Region of the Scholastics
Art & Writing Awards; Grand Rapids, MI
2018- Committee Member, Preliminary Studio Arts Curriculum Development Committee,
2019 assisted in the development of innovative studio arts curriculum to invigorate the studio arts disciplines and
implement a more cross disciplinary approach to meet the educational needs of today’s student.
2018 Graduate Portfolio Review, Graduate Portfolio Day Chicago, School of the Art Institute ofChicago; Chicago, IL
2018 Co-Chair of Printmaking Booth and Activities, Festival of the Arts; Grand Rapids, MI
2018 Juror of Printmaking Submissions, West Central Michigan Region of the Scholastics Art & Writing Awards; Grand
Rapids, MI
2017 Portfolio Review, National Portfolio Day, Kendall College of Art and design of Ferris State University; Grand Rapids, MI
2016 Career Mentor, Southern Graphics Council International Conference: Flux: The Edge of Yesterday and Tomorrow,
Marriot Hotel; Portland, OR
2016 Juror of Printmaking Submissions, West Central Michigan Region of the Scholastics Art & Writing Awards; Grand
Rapids, MI
2015- Student Organization Faculty Advisor, Collective Pressure Printmaking Student
2020 Organization. Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University; Grand Rapids, MI
2015 Portfolio Review, Graduate Portfolio Day Chicago, School of the Art Institute of Chicago; Chicago, IL
2015- Committee Co-Chair, Visiting Artist Committee (VAC). The VAC committee is charged with originating and facilitating the
2019 on-campus visit of artist and scholars to the KCAD community. Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University;
Grand Rapids, MI
2017- Committee Chair, Study Away Committee (SAC). The Study Away Committee is charged with the assessment monitoring
2019 processes, and guidelines for faculty study away proposals. The committee will also recommend trips to be offered
each year. Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University; Grand Rapids, MI
2015- Committee Member, Scholarship Committee. The Scholarship committee is charged with evaluating all student merit and
2017 endowment scholarships Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University; Grand Rapids, MI
2021- Workshop, Beginning Screen-Printing, Lowell Arts Center, Lowell, MI
2021 Virtual Artist Talk, West Virginia Wesleyan College; Buckhannon, WV
2020 Printmaking Lecture, Demonstration, and Collaboration, KCAD Interior Design Program, Kendall College of Art and
Design of Ferris State University; Grand Rapids, MI
2019 Presenter, “Connect to KCAD”, Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University; Grand Rapids, MI
2019 Artist Lecture, Olivet College; Olivet MI
2018 Printmaking Demonstration, KCAD History of Graphic Design, Kendall College of Art and Design; Grand Rapids, MI
2016 Panel Speaker, “Best Practices of Applying to Graduate School”, Kendall College of Art and Design Career Symposium,
Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris StateUniversity; Grand Rapids, MI
2016 Printmaking Demonstration, SiteStudio, Grandville Arts and Humanities and the Cook Arts Center, Kendall College of
Art and Design of Ferris State University; Grand Rapids, MI
2016 Printmaking Lecture and Demonstration, Wellspring Preparatory High School; Grand Rapids, MI
2014 Demonstration Facilitator and Participant, “Collective Pressure: Mobility as Maker”, Mid-America Print Council
Conference; Detroit, MI
2012 Artist Lecture, Northwestern College, TePaske Gallery; Orange City, IA
2010 Workshop, To the Point: The Immediacy of Drypoint, development of workshop content, projects, and student
mentoring. Brio Fine Arts Center; Scottsdale, AZ
2010 Demonstration, Drypoint Printmaking Technique, demonstration and promotion of drypoint intaglio technique. Brio
Fine Arts Center; Scottsdale, AZ
2021- Project Organizer, “Coalesce: KCAD Alumni Printmaking Collaboration and Exhibition”, Mezzanine Gallery; Kendall College of Art and
2022 Design of FSU, Grand Rapids, MI. Students of the Lithography and Advanced Lithography courses collaborated with KCAD alum
artists to create an edition of fine art lithographic prints. Each alum artist was paired with a student printer to create a lithographic
print edition to foster the responsive and exploratory nature of a collaborative printmaking.
2018- Juried Exhibition Organizer, “Process/Print: KCAD Annual Juried Printmaking Exhibition” Kendall College of Art and Design of FSU,
2019 Grand Rapids, MI (Juror: Patrick Vincent, Assistant Professor of Printmaking at Austin Peay State University; Clarksville, TN)
2018 Project Co-Organizer, organized and facilitated collaborative student printing of three lithographic print editions with
visiting artist Sue Coe. This project coincided with the biennial Career Symposium event. Kendall College of Art and
Design of FSU, Grand Rapids, MI
2018 Juror (two-dimensional category), “Festival 2018 Regional Arts Competition and Exhibition”, Fed Galleries; Grand
Rapids, MI
2016 Broadside Artist, “Poets in Print”, collaborated with author Sarah Nordgren to design a broadside for Kalamazoo
Center for Book Arts; Kalamazoo, MI
2014 Collaborative Artist, “Off the Beaten Path”, a community-based project. Worked in collaboration with students of
Arizona School for the Arts and Hazel & Violet Press to create a brand of new letterpress products; Phoenix, AZ
2011- Art Consultant, the handling and sale of quality fine art, research of new gallery acquisitions, responsible for
2014 the design and distribution of the artist’s promotional materials. Heritage Gallery;
2009 Printing Assistant, assistant to Professor Dan Britton in printing an edition of lithographs created by artist Jerry
Schutte. Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art, Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2009 Printing Assistant, assistant to visiting artist Tanja Softic during a printmaking demonstration. Herberger Institute of
Design and the Arts, School of Art, Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2009 Collaborative Printmaker, Map(ing), collaborative and community based project. A five-day project surrounding the
collaboration of Native American artists and MFA graduate printmakers. Worked in collaboration with artist, Yolanda
Hart Stevens. Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art, Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2008 Printing Assistant, assistant to visiting artist Brian Reeves during his installation at the ASU Memorial Union.
Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art, Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2006- Research Assistant, assistant to Professor Dan Britton, mentor to students, and the maintenance of the lithography
2008 studio. Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art, Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2007 Printing Assistant, assisted Visiting Artists of Cannon Ball Press during their demonstration of relief printmaking.
Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art, Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2020 Residency Participant, Remarque Print Workshop; Albuquerque, NM
2019 Conference Attendee, Texchange, Southern Graphics Council International Conference;
Dallas, TX
2017 Conference Attendee, Terminus: Arrivals and Departures, Southern Graphics Council
International Conference; Atlanta, GA
2016 Conference Attendee, Flux: The Edge of Yesterday and Tomorrow, Southern Graphics
Council International Conference; Portland, OR
2016 Workshop Participant, Tamarind Institute of Lithography Summer Workshop. Tamarind Institute, University of New
Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
2014 Conference Attendee and Participant, Print City, Mid-American Print Council; Detroit, MI
2009 Conference Attendee, Global Implications, Southern Graphics Council International Conference; Chicago, IL
2024 Rocky Mountain Printmaking Alliance
2008-24 Artist Member, Southern Graphics Council International; Kennesaw, GA
2016-24 Artist Member, Mid American Print Council;
2016 Artist Member, Avenue for the Arts; Grand Rapids, MI
2017-18 Artist Member, Alberta Printmakers; Calgary, Alberta, Canada
2012-14 Artist Member, Eye Lounge: A Contemporary Art Space; Phoenix, AZ
2009-10 Artist Member, Arizona Artists Guild; Phoenix, AZ
2008-09 Artist Member, College Art Association; New York City, NY
2008-06 President, Printmaking Student Association, coordination of association exhibitions, fundraising events, visiting artists, and
community-outreach projects. Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art, Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2006-07 Vice- President, Printmaking Student Association, coordination of association exhibitions, fundraising events, and community
outreach projects in printmaking. Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art, Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2005 Treasurer, Printmaking Student Association, management of financial records, and distribution of organization funds. Herberger
Institute of Design and the Arts, School of Art, Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ
2018 Exhibition Catalogue, Drawn to Print, (SCENE) Metrospace Gallery; East Lansing, MI
2018 Exhibition Catalogue, 31st Annual McNeese National Works on Paper, McNeese State University; Lake Charles, LA
2017 Exhibition Catalogue, 2017 Louisiana International Printmaking Exhibition, Louisiana Tech University; Ruston, LA
2016 Exhibition Catalogue, Printmaking: Ancient Art Made Contemporary, Jamba Gallery; Fremont, MI
2012- Gallery Membership Page, Eye Lounge: A Contemporary Art Space; Phoenix, AZ
2012 Article, “Art Exhibit Explores Aquatic Life Forms”, The Northwestern Beacon, Nov. 2012; Orange City, IA
2011- Web Advertisement, Polytechnic Campus Library; Chandler, AZ
2010 Exhibition Catalogue, Pacific States Biennial National Print Exhibition, University of
Hawaii at Hilo; Hilo, HI
2010 Publication Art, Graphic Impressions, The Newsletter of Southern Graphics Council,
2009 Exhibition Catalogue, American Print 2009: Influence Someone, Foothills Art Center;
Golden, CO PRINT 2009: InfluenceSomeone&exhibitionId=12&start=1
2009 Web Catalogue, Map(ing), Night Gallery; Tempe, AZ
2009 Article, “All the Art that’s Fit to Print”, ASU Magazine, Dec. 2009, Vol. 13, No. 2:
Tempe, AZ